Stressed out does not even put it nicely. I have gotten the flu bug that was going around in February to march and it is almost the end of march and I am still not over it. I feel so sick my head is aching and my ear is still has an infection.

School is driving me crazy and I just can't wait to put this behind me. 

I loved the experience school has brought me and meeting so many amazing people. It just allowed me the opportunity to grow in so many ways but I cannot take the work load. I feel like a working bee and every time I am finished one task another task is right there in front of me. 

At times like this I like to take out my paintbrush and pull out a canvas and take myself out of this world. To block everything on my mind and display it on canvas.  Does that sound weird? Since I am abstract artist things come out looking differently. Sometimes  I feel as though I hold myself back from showing what I feel. Maybe I feel people will criticize me. The same goes with my writing. I should write what I feel but when I try to find the words...well it just never seems to be there. How strange is that? I keep telling myself that in life sometimes inspiration comes to you or taken away.

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